The average house price on NETTLES LANE is £245,218
The most expensive house in the street is FLAT 1 31 NETTLES LANE with an estimated value of £287,713
The cheapest house in the street is FLAT 2 31 NETTLES LANE with an estimated value of £213,786
The house which was most recently sold was 35 NETTLES LANE, this sold on 9 Dec 2022 for £725,000
The postcode for NETTLES LANE is SY3 8RJ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
4 NETTLES LANE Terraced , 57 m2 £241,531 £177,500 4 Mar 2016
6 NETTLES LANE Terraced , 57 m2 £241,531 £177,500 4 Mar 2016
8 NETTLES LANE Terraced , 57 m2 £241,531 £177,500 4 Mar 2016
FLAT 1 31 NETTLES LANE Flats/Maisonettes , 91 m2 £287,713 £98,000 3 May 2002
FLAT 2 31 NETTLES LANE Flats/Maisonettes , 66 m2 £213,786 £119,000 1 Sep 2009
35 NETTLES LANE £725,000 9 Dec 2022